Legal Framework

The deadlines for the anti-dumping questionnaire response are usually the same in each investigation.

In many ways, this stage of the defence effort is one of the most crucial. If the right team is assembled, the rest of the defence effort will proceed much more smoothly.

An anti-dumping investigation is usually commenced by a United States producer (or several producers) filing a petition simultaneously with the Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission.

In principle, the Commerce Department investigates all the known exporters of the merchandise being investigated.

Although the overall product-matching concept is straightforward, the manner in which the Commerce Department engages in appropriate product comparisons has some quirks,

Soon after it issues its initiation notice, the Commerce Department will send to all interested parties a proposed model-match hierarchy.

The first part of the questionnaire, section A, seeks information about the general background of the company and its sales in various markets.

During its investigation, the Commerce Department will require that the foreign company report all of its United States sales during the investigation period.

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