Conference: Two-year implementation of the EVFTA in Vietnam - A review from business perspective

03/11/2022 10:44 - 1420 Views

The European Union–Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) has come into effect for 2 years (from August 1, 2020). During this time, the EVFTA implementation was seriously affected by many factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic, logistics and supply chain crisis, geopolitical fluctuations, etc. It’s necessary to review the achieved results, identify encountered problems and challenges in the past two years, thereby drawing lessons for future implementation of the Agreement from a perspective of trade, investment and law-making.


Therefore, with the support of the FNF Institute (Germany), the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) has conducted a Research Report on "Vietnam after two years of EVFTA implementation from a business perspective" on the basis of (i) A Survey of businesses on their practice, evaluation and perception about two years of EVFTA implementation and (ii) A Review of the effectiveness of law-making activities to implement this Agreement.


For the announcement of this Report, VCCI will organise the Conference:




Time:            8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Thursday, November 10, 2022

Venue:         Offline at Hall 1, 7th Floor, VCCI Headquarters (Outside building),  09 Dao Duy Anh, Dong
                    Da, Hanoi

                    Online at:   [Youtube] [Facebook] (in Vietnamese)

                                       [Facebook] (English translation)

Languages: Vietnamese (English translation available)


Please confirm your attendance with the Center for WTO and International Trade - VCCI before 14:00 November 09, 2022, via:

(i) Email:

(ii) Online registration form (Vietnamese):


Contact Details:

        Center for WTO and International Trade -  VCCI
        09 Dao Duy Anh, Dong Da, Hanoi
        Phone: 84-24-66569245 / 84-24-35771458


Participants who register to attend offline will be presented 01 printed copy of the Report at the Conference.
Participants who register to attend online will be sent a link to join the Conference before the date of event.


The Invitation Letter is attached below:

Tải tài liệu
1. Conference Agenda
2. Presentation - Ms. Nguyen Cam Trang MOIT
3. Presentation - Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Trang VCCI
4. Presentation - Mr. Le Xuan Sang
5. Summary Report
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