WTO Dispute Settlement: One-Page Case Summaries

16/12/2007 12:00 - 780 Views

Author: World Trade Organization, Legal Affairs Division
This first edition of WTO Dispute Settlement: One-Page Case Summaries has been prepared by the Legal Affairs Division of the WTO with special assistance from the Rules Division and the Appellate Body Secretariat. This publication is in response to a continuous stream of requests from a broad cross-section of interests for a simple, straightforward explanation of the key points emanating from the ever-growing body of WTO jurisprudence. Thus, the publication attempts to summarize on a single page the core facts and substantive findings contained in the adopted panel and, where applicable, Appellate Body reports for each decided case. Where relevant, the publication also summarizes key findings on significant procedural matters. Other matters of particular significance raised during the proceedings are listed in the accompanying footnotes to each case. The index enables readers to search the disputes by articles and by WTO agreement. The material in the book reflects panel and Appellate Body reports adopted by the WTO Dispute Settlement Body as of 1 September 2006.
I would like to thank all those who have contributed to the preparation of this publication, but especially Aegyoung Jung, Hannah Irfan, Siobhan Ackroyd, Christine Makori, Julie Pain and Joelle Vuillemenot This volume would not have been possible without their hard work on this project.
We hope that this publication will be a useful tool in better understanding the WTO dispute settlement system for a broad group of readers from both the WTO community (those who work on and follow closely WTO matters on a regular basis) and the public at large. If this publication successfully serves this purpose, every effort will be made to update it on a periodic basis.

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