Dispute Settlement DS410

17/05/2013 12:00 - 874 Views

Argentina — Anti-Dumping Duties on Fasteners and Chains from Peru

Short title:
Complainant: Peru
Respondent: Argentina
Third Parties:
Agreements cited:
(as cited in request for consultations)
Anti-dumping (Article VI of GATT 1994): Art.,,,12.218.1Annex II
GATT 1994: Art. VI
Request for Consultationsreceived: 19 May 2010


Complaint by Peru.

On 19 May 2010, Peru requested consultations with Argentina regarding the definitive anti-dumping duties imposed by Argentina on imports of separable and non-separable fasteners and chains from Peru and the investigation that led to the application of the duties.  Peru alleged that Resolution SICPYME 120/08 of the Ministry of Economy and Production of Argentina initiating the anti-dumping investigation is inconsistent with several provisions of the Anti-Dumping Agreement and GATT 1994.  Peru also considered that several measures imposing provisional and definitive anti-dumping duties are inconsistent with several provisions of the Anti-Dumping Agreement and GATT 1994.

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