Dispute Settlement DS065

21/05/2013 12:00 - 972 Views

Brazil — Certain Measures Affecting Trade and Investment in the Automotive Sector

Short title:
Complainant: United States
Respondent: Brazil
Third Parties:
Agreements cited:
(as cited in request for consultations)
GATT 1994: Art. IIII
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures: Art. 327.4
Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs): Art. 2
Request for Consultations received: 10 January 1997



Complaint by the United States.

On 10 January 1997, the US requested consultations with Brazil concerning more or less the same measures as in WT/DS52. However, this request also included measures adopted by Brazil subsequent to consultations held with the US pursuant to the request under WT/DS52, which include measures conferring benefits to certain companies located in Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the EC. The US alleged violations under Articles I:1 and III:4 of GATT 1994, Article 2 of the TRIMs Agreement, and Articles 3 and 27.4 of the SCM Agreement. The United States also made a nullification and impairment of benefits claim under Article XXIII:1(b) of GATT 1994.


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